Monday, October 12, 2009

The Fighting Thirteen

I've just returned from the Viable Paradise XIII workshop -- and, wow, what an experience!

I wasn't certain what to expect, so I was hopeful, but prepared to find it a waste of time and money. So, I was very happy when I found my hopes fulfilled and my preparations unjustified.

Viable Paradise is an intensive week of critiques, lectures, collegiums, writing, and interaction with other aspiring and established authors and editors (and some mandatory fun). It was exhausting. It was very hard on the ego. But it was also very insightful, fulfilling, and, boy, were there some really excellent folk there, both on the student and on the instructor/staff sides!

I originally intended to write a detailed report of the week, but I've decided against it. (As they say, what happens on the island, stays on the island). So, that's that.

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